国际新闻 | 综合 - 澳纽网聚合新闻
Nine people are also injured during a Catholic service at a university in Mindanao, officials say.
A German is stabbed to death as officials say tourists are targeted in a knife and hammer attack.
The referendum asks if Venezuelans support the claim to two thirds of the land controlled by Guyana.
Henry Kissinger died aged 100 this week. His policies caused widespread destruction in Cambodia.
Satirical film American Fiction follows a black writer trying to make the literary world change its ways.
As leaders gather in Dubai for the UN climate summit, experts say global warming is having a ‘profound effect' on health.
See photographer Andy Gotts' pictures of the actors who have played the baddie in James Bond films.
The need for viral food videos is driving some unusual experiments - but do they work?
A senior Tory MP urges the UK government to ban solar firms with links to forced labour in China.
Musk's profane attack on advertisers baffled experts - without adverts, how would X survive?
Tiger Woods says he been pleasantly surprised by his return to action after shooting a one-under par 71 in round three at the Hero World Challenge.
The UK is sending unarmed, manned aircraft over Israel and Gaza to aid rescue efforts.
Anthony Gordon scores the only goal as a dominant Newcastle United beat Manchester United at St James' Park.
Sian and Jeffrey Edwards had always assumed the 64lb projectile in their garden was a "dummy".
Video shows violent tremors shaking goods off shop shelves and blowing out street lights.
Scotland are drawn in the same group as hosts Germany at Euro 2024 while England are in Group C along with Denmark, Slovenia and Serbia.
Civilians in parts of north and south Gaza have been told to evacuate as Israel's renewed bombardment continues.
Dwight McNeil's goal gives Everton their first win since they had 10 Premier League points deducted as they hang on to beat Nottingham Forest.
Brahim Diaz and Rodrygo on target as Real Madrid win their fifth game in a row to move top of La Liga on goal difference from Girona.
BBC understands 32-year-old Maj Kevin McCool was on a motorcycle trip off base when he was attacked.
新华社巴格达12月12日电 题:为生存而呐喊——关于人权的海外新闻调查(上)
中新网12月12日电 据日本共同社11日报道,日本政府将加速探讨采用新制度,实现对于可转用于军事的尖端技术的专利,能够不对外公开。通过限制信息公开,来避免因尖端技术流入国外而加剧国家安全上的风险。政府考虑作为力争向2022年例行国会提交的经济安全保障推进法案的主要内容之一,最快2023年采用。
中新社巴黎12月12日电 (记者 李洋)当地时间11日,法国新冠肺炎累计确诊病例达821万例,法国总理卡斯泰呼吁民众在圣诞节遵守防疫措施。
中新网12月12日电 综合报道,龙卷风灾害突袭美国,该国中部六个州12月10日夜间遭遇至少30场龙卷风袭击,迄今已造成80多人死亡,受灾人数或将进一步上升。美国总统拜登形容,这是一场“完全无法想象的悲剧”。
中新网12月12日电 据新加坡《联合早报》12日报道,美国新冠疫情整体反弹,过去七天的日均新增确诊数时隔两个月再破10万起,住院和死亡人数也激增,多州疫情形势再转严峻。
美国近日张罗所谓的“民主峰会”,扮演 “民主操盘手”的角色,与此同时,美式民主内部,金钱政治盛行,“一美元一选票”;枪支暴力在控枪与否的争吵声中,愈演愈烈;种族歧视让少数族裔“无法呼吸”……美式民主如一袭华美的长袍,爬满了蚤子。
法国渔民:英国捕鱼许可补发量远不及预期 将再次发起封锁
中新社巴黎12月11日电 (记者 李洋)旅法大熊猫双胞胎幼崽“欢黎黎”“圆嘟嘟”当地时间11日在法国中部圣艾尼昂市的博瓦勒动物园首次与民众见面。
中新社纽约12月11日电 美国中部地区10日晚间至11日凌晨遭到龙卷风侵袭,多州11日确认有人遇难,其中肯塔基州表示这次恶劣天气导致的遇难人数可能超过70人。
尊重多样形态 反对借民主之名挑动分裂对抗——“民主:全人类共同价值”国际论坛第二阶段会议综述
伊朗总统:若解除对伊制裁 伊核谈判有望达成协议