(双语)华人慈善先锋黄玮璋家族再度捐赠救护车, 其对慈善事业的奉献众所周知

人物 社区

【澳纽网讯】2024年8月14日上午10点半,一场庄重的“黄玮璋family捐赠救护车落地服务祈福仪式”在奥克兰的2a Pacific Rise, Mt Wellington, Auckland 1060隆重举行。此次活动不仅标志着一辆崭新的救护车正式投入服务,更展现了华人社区在新西兰慈善事业中的无私奉献精神


此次祈福仪式吸引了众多人士前来参与,其中包括Hon George Hawkins(前国会议员、首任民族事务部长、警察部长及内政部长)等重量级嘉宾。Hawkins先生得知这一慈善活动后,主动提出出席,共襄盛举。他在致辞中高度评价了黄玮璋先生的慈善精神,称其为“社会的典范与楷模”。

At 10:30am on 14th August 2024, a solemn ‘Blessing Ceremony for the Ambulance Donated by Mr. Steven Wong Family’ was held at 2a Pacific Rise, Mt Wellington, Auckland 1060 in Auckland. This event not only marked the official launch of a brand new ambulance, but also demonstrated the spirit of selfless dedication of the Chinese community in New Zealand charitable causes!

Mr. Steven Wong, President of the Federation of Chinese Associations in New Zealand, has been committed to charitable causes for many years. With his strong beliefs and selfless dedication, he has become a charity model for the Chinese community in New Zealand and the country as a whole. Since 2020, Mr Wong has donated ambulances several times in a row and has put these resources where they are most needed.

The Blessing Ceremony attracted a large number of people, including heavyweight guests such as Hon George Hawkins (former Member of Parliament, first Minister of Ethnic Affairs, Minister of Police and Minister of Home Affairs), who, upon learning of the charity event, offered to attend and share in the festivities. In his speech, Mr Hawkins spoke highly of Mr. Steven Wong’s philanthropic spirit, describing him as a ‘model and exemplary member of the community’.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Steven Wong’s dedication to charity is widely recognized

Everyone will remember his valuable legacy of charitable spirit for the present and future generations.

Mr Steven Wong delivered a speed at the event

Mr. Wong’s dedication to charity is well-known.
In 2020, Steven and various groups of the Federation of Chinese Associations and The Lion Foundation jointly donated an ambulance to Hato Hone St John.
In 2023, the second ambulance was fully funded by Mr. Wong himself for $185,000.00. This ambulance has long been put into service in the Waiuku area.

On August 14, 2024, the third ambulance fully funded by Steven himself with a donation of $315,000.00 was officially completed and put into use. This ambulance will serve Mount Roskill area in Auckland.

His Old friend Hon George Hawkins (former Member of Parliament, First Minister of Ethnic Affairs / Minister of Police / Minister of Internal Affairs) learned of today’s charity event and voluntarily offered to attend and support this good cause.

Certificate Signed by the Governor-General Of New Zealand

The following shares various activities of Mr. Steven Wong’s kindness and virtue with the public, reflecting his benevolent and generous spirit. On February 22, 2011, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch (in the South Island), New Zealand, killing 181 people. After the earthquake, no matter where the victims were from or what ethnicity they were, it pierced Mr. Wong’s heart. He immediately initiated a charity fundraising dinner. On the evening of the 27th, a charity sale fundraising event was held for the earthquake-stricken area. The caring people who participated in the fundraising event showed great love and quickly raised more than NZD 200,000.

Wherever there is hardship in both New Zealand and China, Mr. Steven Wong can be seen. He either sponsors alone or gathers associations to extend a helping hand, delivering “love” to the places where “ love” is most needed.

新西兰华人社团联合会 会长黄玮璋先生为新西兰中国 两国做出的无私奉献,大家都不会忘记,他给当代及后代留下了宝贵的慈善精神财富。

2020年新西兰华人社团联合会 会长黄玮璋联同各个社团和The Lion Foundation 等机构合资捐助了一辆救护车给圣约翰救护中心(Hato Hone St John)。

2023年第二辆救护车由黄玮璋先生本人全资捐助$185000.00 该救护车已经投入Waiuku地区的急救服务。

2024年8月14日年由黄玮璋先生本人全资捐助$315000.00的救护车正式落成使用。这辆救护车将在奥克兰Mount Roskill地区提供服务。

黄会长的老朋友Hon George Hawkins (前国会议员/首任民族事务部长/警察部长/内政部长) 得知今天慈善活动, 主动提出乐意出席共襄善举!


以下与大家分享黄玮璋先生以善心厚德的活动 2011年2月22日,新西兰克赖斯特彻奇(南岛)发生里氏6.3级地震,造成181人遇难。地震发生后,遇难者不论是哪里人,不论是那个种族,都刺痛了黄玮璋的心。他立即发起慈善捐款晚宴,27日晚为地震灾区举行义卖筹款活动,参加筹款活动的爱心人士,献出大爱,当晚就筹到了20多万纽币。


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